27 Apr. | 9.30 PM


Location: Lukiškių kalėjimas 2.0 (Lukiškių str. 6)

You are being watched. The phone is ringing. You are still being watched. The phone is still ringing. Is it you watching? The phone is still ringing. Or is it you being watched? The phone is still ringing. You are on a display. The phone is still ringing. Are you on a display? The phone is still ringing. There’s a blue line. The phone is still ringing. There’s a black line. The phone is still ringing. There’s a white line. The phone is still ringing. And a splash of unknown colour. The phone is still ringing. Can you see the light? The phone is still ringing. There’s a light coming from the rupture of the fabric of space. The phone is still ringing. The light consists entirely of time. The phone is still ringing. Are you being illuminated? The phone is still ringing. Are you illuminating everything around you? Shining like a crazy diamond? Pick up the phone. The tiny sparks are there. Just like stars. There are many. Will you talk? Will you listen? Am I a star? Are you? Will you sing for me? Stars don’t sing. I will.